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Micropack Presentation - Ninth International Seminar of Fire and Explosion Hazards - St Petersburg

Presentation Title - ‘Addressing the problem of poor gas leak detection rates on UK offshore platforms’; Dr Ryan Hilditch, WSP Australia; James McNay, Micropack (Engineering) Ltd.

Micropack’s Director of Consultancy and Engineering, James McNay, will be presenting at the Ninth International Seminar of Fire and Explosion Hazards in St Petersburg this Thursday 25th April at 16:50.
The paper reviews some of the common unsupported claims made in the industry to explain a low detection rate. The presentation asks why we are evaluating new approaches to gas detection placement, when there is clearly not enough data to understand how current layouts and traditional methods perform. Even worse, industry/ literature clearly do not know what the current layouts/ approaches are based on, with such variance shown in the analysis.
Some emerging approaches to gas detection placement, such as scenario based modelling, may only serve to exacerbate this variance in detection application, as shown in the results. If you cannot attend the presentation, but would like to learn more about the findings please get in touch to learn more about the cutting edge in gas detection placement research.